This week our team at West Coast Electrical went to the NEC Birmingham Solar and Storage Live Exhibition. It was a great and informative day, networking with other like-minded businesses, and seeing so many different stands all with solar sustainability solutions.
Solar and Storage Live is the UKs biggest solar exhibition. With the UK being in the middle of an energy crisis - now is the time to rapidly upscale home grown energy. At solar and storage live there are over 400 exhibitors that attended from all over the world. The event will see around 15000 visitors over the three days which is absolutely amazing that so many people are on board for the positive change. Whilst there, we saw a good mix of suppliers and professionals with so many hugely relevant to the industry. The NEC was a perfect location for the exhibition to be held at whilst also being extremely well organised.
Expanding our Solar Knowledge
The technical speakers and training were fantastic and all the staff on the stands were extremely knowledgeable. The installer training hub was great for viewing new systems and products - a few of which we will definitely be investing in at West Coast Electrical Blackpool. All the workshops we attended were interesting and engaging. We had a great time meeting so many different people in the solar industry, from suppliers, university lecturers, developers, manufacturers and so many more. There was a real buzz in the air as thousands of people came to the exhibition with a mindset of a more positive future for our planet .
Solar Power for Sustainable Living
We had a few meetings booked throughout the day to work along side other companies who are all on the same page and really wanting to push for more sustainable living options and for us to reduce our carbon footprint. Coming out of meetings where everyone is on the same page with the same vision and knowing what each party can bring to that vision gives us so much pleasure and drive to this commitment we are passionate about. It was also great to meet some of the partners in the solar and wider energy industry - it's important to know the key players in the industry.
West Coast Electrical - Your Solar Specialist
As a business it’s important for us to stay relevant and up to date with latest technologies. We are committed to constant training for ourselves and our employees across all the services we offer as your local electrical company in Blackpool and beyond.
If you have any questions about solar power, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 01253 366095 or leave us a message on our website contact form. Our qualified, well informed electricians will be more than happy to assist.